“It never fails. Each day as I walk my grandchildren along the sidewalk, cars speed past, apparently ignoring the nearby school, playground and park. It isn’t because there are not enough signs. Indeed, a school zone sign is located on my front lawn. However, having learned that Automated Speed Enforcement is likely to be implemented in Durham Region, I am encouraged by the idea that those who ignore the speed limits, and don’t seem to care about child safety, will be hit in the wallet. My only hope is that they are hit hard enough that it has the right effect.”
— R. Paxton, Durham Region resident
“This sounds like a great program! I live in a busy part of Mississauga and our house is surrounded by three schools. There are always a lot of students and young children in the neighborhood, especially during school hours. I am hopeful this program will curb a lot of the dangerous drivers who zoom past without regard for people’s safety.”
— G. Lacroix, Mississauga resident
“I am president of the West Lansing Homeowners’ Association, which represents 1,100 homes in North York bounded by Sheppard Avenue to the North, Yonge Street to the East, the 401 to the South and the Don Valley Parkway to the West. Our community has experienced massive intensification, impacted by the 20,000 new residential units built in North York in the past 15 years or so. This has, in turn, resulted in drivers desperately looking for ways to get through the progressively worsening traffic in the Yonge/Sheppard/401 area. An increased demand for finding new thoroughfares means cars are racing through our residential streets as if they were main arterial roads. With two elementary schools located in a one-square-kilometre area, you can imagine how dangerous it is with cars travelling through these 40 km/h streets at speeds up to 70 km/h. Our members have been screaming to reduce the speed limits from 40 km/h to 30 km/h however these speeding drivers are ignoring the current 40 km/h speed limit. I am not sure what makes us think that they will slow down if the speed limit is reduced even further? The only thing that will change drivers’ habits is ENFORCEMENT.”
— M. Capotosto, president, West Lansing Homeowners’ Association
“I regularly take my daughter to a nearby park, but often put her back in her stroller because I don’t feel she is safe around some of the drivers in our neighborhood. I live on a quiet street in Mississauga with more than one school nearby, and some drivers just carelessly disregard the school zone signs and drive recklessly through the neighborhood. I am so grateful Automated Speed Enforcement may be coming to Ontario and I think it will definitely enforce safety on our streets again!”